Wasps In Orange County, NY: A Comprehensive Guide To Wasp Removal And Prevention

stinging insects

As summer ends, the days get shorter, kids get ready to return to school, and everyone likes to spend more time outdoors enjoying the cooler weather. Unfortunately, this time of year is also when wasps are at their peak populations, and they become more aggressive as food becomes scarce. If your backyard has become a danger zone with wasps and their nests, we are here to help.

This article will explain more about wasps, including how to identify the most common species and review the risks they pose to your family. We’ll also provide our best strategies to keep these pests at bay. Learn more about effective wasp control in Orange County with the pros from FlynnCo. 

Common Wasp Species: A Guide To Recognizing The Enemy

Recognizing the different species of wasps on your property can help you better determine their risk and avoid stings. Social wasps often defend their nest as a group and can be more dangerous than solitary species. The following list describes the most common types of wasps in Orange County:

  • Bald-faced hornets are social wasps with black and white markings that build aerial paper nests.
  • Eastern cicada killers are black and yellow solitary wasps that dig nest tunnels in lawns.
  • Mud daubers are solitary wasps that are usually black but may have lighter markings and build mud nests.
  • Paper wasps are social insects, brown with yellow markings, and build umbrella-shaped paper nests.
  • Yellow jackets are black and yellow social wasps that build underground or aerial paper nests.

If you need assistance with wasp identification or removal, the pros at FlynnCo are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our wasp control services or to schedule an inspection.

Health Risks Of Wasp Invasions: Allergies And Other Concerns

Wasp removal can be hazardous, especially this time of year. Social wasps release pheromones when they sense a threat that sends a help signal to the other wasps in the area. Wasp venom is an allergen for some people, and when multiple insects are stinging, even people who aren’t allergic can have a severe reaction.

The safest way to remove wasps and their nests is to work with a local professional pest control company. FlynnCo’s technicians can safely remove these stinging insects from your property to help reduce the risk of stings. Contact us today with any questions or to schedule a visit and reclaim your property from these dangerous pests.

Strategies For Wasp Prevention: Effective Tips And Tricks

You can use several strategies to help deter these pests from your property. The following list includes our most effective wasp prevention tips:

  • Keep food and drinks covered while eating outdoors.
  • Plant nectar-rich flowers and hummingbird feeders away from areas where people congregate.
  • Rinse out food and drink containers before disposing of them, tie trash bags tightly, and place them in receptacles with secure lids.
  • Eliminate any standing water on your property.
  • Wasps also eat other insects, so eliminating other infestations can help to deter them.

Contact us today at FlynnCo for assistance in getting rid of wasps or the insects that attract them. Our pros can also provide property-specific tips to avoid attracting wasps in the future.

Safe and Effective Wasp Removal: Contact Us Right Away!

If you see a wasp nest on your property, avoid approaching it because the insects will consider you a threat. Professional home pest control in Orange County is the safest way to handle these insects. 

Contact us today at FlynnCo to learn more about our wasp control services or to request your no-obligation inspection.